This is a virtual, peer-led support group for any family or friend with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. The support group is free […]
Don't have enough space for a garden? No time to spend weeding? Just want to have some fun planting flowers without too much work?Container gardening might be the answer. Join […]
This event is designed for families with members who experience sensory sensitivities, are on the autism spectrum, or who have any health needs that would make a quieter visit more […]
Eating Disorder Awareness Iowa City meets on the last Monday of the month to discuss topics related to strengthening the process of recovery and establishing connections for support. Join the […]
Eat, Drink and Tease your brain! Rally your team on the 1st Tuesday of each month. All the fun of bingo, but your card is full of songs. Chances to […]
This is a virtual, peer-led support group for any family or friend with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. The support group is free […]
Please join the University of Iowa Physics & Astronomy Department as we use the Van Allen Observatory and small telescopes to tour the spring sky. To attend this Astronomy observation […]
Join the Coralville Library for Craft & Chat in the Library’s Community Café on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month. Bring a project to work on; they’ll bring […]
You're invited! Join the monthly Parent Teacher Group meeting in the North Bend cafeteria. Free childcare provided. Share ideas. Find out what projects are coming up and how this groups […]