Comedy for Charity with Mike Marvell, hosted by Nathan Timmel is a charitable event with a different focus each year. This year is for North Liberty’s very own, Penelope. Come laugh and enjoy community while supporting a great cause.
Penelope is a 10-year old North Liberty girl who was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on December 13, 2022. Since then, she has had many inpatient stays, emergency room trips, and clinic visits. The UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital, which has provided amazing care for Penelope, but the impacts on her life have been staggering. Sadly, Penelope’s mother had to leave her job, as Penelope is often actively too sick— or in the hospital— to attend school.
In May 2023, Penelope entered remission, which means she currently has no detectable cancer in her blood or bone marrow. This is great news and means the treatment is working! Because Leukemia is such a fast-growing cancer, she will continue treatment into 2025 as long as there are no relapses, which would mean starting the process over. Penelope’s far-reaching community has rallied around her in support, and it is vital that doesn’t end because the fight isn’t over.
This event is geared towards adults and all proceeds will go to Penelope’s cancer fight!
Comedy for Charity with Mike Marvell, hosted by Nathan Timmel is a charitable event with a different focus each year. This year is for North Liberty’s very own, Penelope. Come laugh and enjoy community while supporting a great cause.
Penelope is a 10-year old North Liberty girl who was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on December 13, 2022. Since then, she has had many inpatient stays, emergency room trips, and clinic visits. The UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital, which has provided amazing care for Penelope, but the impacts on her life have been staggering. Sadly, Penelope’s mother had to leave her job, as Penelope is often actively too sick— or in the hospital— to attend school.
In May 2023, Penelope entered remission, which means she currently has no detectable cancer in her blood or bone marrow. This is great news and means the treatment is working! Because Leukemia is such a fast-growing cancer, she will continue treatment into 2025 as long as there are no relapses, which would mean starting the process over. Penelope’s far-reaching community has rallied around her in support, and it is vital that doesn’t end because the fight isn’t over.
This event is geared towards adults and all proceeds will go to Penelope’s cancer fight!
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